TCR-60-230 & TCRI-60-230  Trench corner roller guide and inverted roller guide

TCR-60-230, Trench Corner  Roller

Hearthill's TCR-60-230  is manufactured with mild steel components to ensure a long lasting durability  for heavy cable hauling.  Complete with pressed bearings in 1 x horizontal and 2 x vertical rollers  this unit will dramatically reduce the friction and drag around all bend radiuses depending on the configuration.

Star picket guides are welded onto every unit for easy installation.  Star pickets are optional extras and are supplied at 600mm long, part number is SP-600.

TCRI-60-230, Inverted Trench Corner Roller

Also available now, TCRI-60-230. The inverted trench corner roller will eliminate cables riding up the standard TCR  saving you a lot of time and money.

Same manufacturing specifications as the standard TCR-60-230.